Friday, September 2, 2011

I actually started this blog yesterday, but unforseen events happened and i had to tend to life. :) it happens LOL

9/1 ----Today kinda seemed to seal the deal that alot of the people i actually know have a penchant for drama than the real things in life. I asked an honest, thought provoking question to see how many of the people i know would actually take the time to sit down, or just take a moment to think about what those questions mean to them. I wasnt asking for the world, i was asking for a moment inside their heads to see their thought process. I guess for some if it isnt drama, whether fueling it, or creating it they want no part of it and like i said in a previous blog i have no time in my life for negativity. I have to for me, my health and my piece of mind diminish negativity out of my life as much as possible, and today just kind of showed me how i need to start doing that.

I have honestly been doing alot of soul searching, to find out what i want in life, to see who i am deep down inside. Ive asked myself many a thought provoking questions, some i can find the answer to right away and some i just seem to be lost to completley. For the ones that i am lost to i intend to find an answer, to see if theres any way for me to understand completley the things ive searched inside for. Jesse Brisendine has been an amazing person to come into my life through his blogs, his video blogs and his words of wisdom, he is the reason i have decided to change my life in to something i want, without excuses anymore!! "Be the change you wish to see in the world" is a very deep and meaninful sentence if you sit and think. So my many thanks to Jesse! <3

9/2-----I participated in the sunrise/sunset day yesterday with 1 year/1,000 challenge, it was truly amazing to see the sunrises and sunsets from around the world and to see people just taking a few moments out of their day to just see the beauty. I notice alot of people have forgotten the beauty in even the simplest things, people have come to see the down side in everything, but they refuse to change. Dont like your job, quit and find something your passionate about, not happy in your relationships, find a way to make them positive or walk away.....change has to begin with you and only you. "Be the change you wish to see in the world"  Sit down and think about that sentence, give it some actual thought and write down the changes that come to mind, now set in motion to make those changes. We all cant make a huge impact on things, but one by one we can sure try!!!! Just think if we all actually put forth our abilities what kind of change we could envoke in other people??? its like the wave at a baseball game, one person starts it and soon thousands follow!! It would be AMAZING!

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. Carpe Diem!

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