Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I open my facebook this morning and i see post after post of negative things, whether it was complaining of a case of the mondays, or of a little thing that didnt go right it was one person after another. I feel like i dont have time in my life for negativity, it becomes annoying when its the same people over and over again. I believe that if a situation can be changed then we should apply ourselves to making the change. "be the change you want to see in the world" I can only try to help a person be positive, but they have to first want it within themselves.

Ive been thinking alot about ways to honor the 10 year anniversary of 9-11, most events are taking place in major cities like NY, LA and such. No means to get there means i need to research local events taking place. 9-11 was a tragedy that touched many lives, we all know someone whose joined the fight against terrorism, we all know someone whose been deployed, someone personally or know of someone whose lost a life. I figure since we are honoring 9-11 victims, families, and friends why not honor those who serve our country. I plan on finding a way to be a pen pal to a military member serving overseas, enlisting my friends and family to donate supplies of comfort to these men and women. What better way to show our troops our support and love?

So there is my first 2 things i plan on doing on my challenge..#CarpeDiem

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I have been reading a blog written by Jesse Brisendine, he has started his own 1 year 1000 challenge. For one year he challenges himself to fullfill umique experiences, thing or goals. I think that is a great way to challenge yourself to do things you never thought you could. Jesse's blog is very positive and gives an uplifting message. I honestly found myself reading his blog into the wee hours of the night, and crying when he told some of his experiences.

So with that i have decided to compile a list of things i want to accomplish in life and live out doing those things. To do things for the good of humanity, to reach out and let my ripple effect be as positive as possible. My first thing is my birthday is June 15, jesse had a close friend commit suicide June 15, 2009, jesse feels had his friend gabe felt his life was worth more he would possibly chose to not end his life. So my mission is to show self worth to as many people as i can, to have a positive ripple effect on peoples lives. Life is all about living to the fullest, even with the bad life is still worth living.

Im going to leave it at that tonight, and i will start to make my list and put my thoughts into words for you all to read, if you so choose. Love to all!